Marwolaethau a chyfradd marwolaethau wedi'i safoni yn ôl oedran yn ôl awdurdod lleol a blwyddyn
Hlth1503 Deaths & age standardised death rate (gender, year, LA)
Health Statistics & Analysis Unit, Welsh Government
Added to StatsWales: April 2012
Next update: April 2013 (provisional)
Source: eHealthshow (maintained by NHS Wales Informatics Service)
Deaths registered during the year.
The data for 2004 onwards is based on the cause of death provided in the death register and based on the doctor's certificate of cause of death; this is known as 'original' cause of death.
For the years leading up to 2004, the data is based on the 'final' cause of death which takes account of any additional information which may be provided by medical practitioners or coroners after the death has been registered.
Next update: April 2013 (provisional)
Source: eHealthshow (maintained by NHS Wales Informatics Service)
Deaths registered during the year.
The data for 2004 onwards is based on the cause of death provided in the death register and based on the doctor's certificate of cause of death; this is known as 'original' cause of death.
For the years leading up to 2004, the data is based on the 'final' cause of death which takes account of any additional information which may be provided by medical practitioners or coroners after the death has been registered.