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2013-based household projections for National Parks in Wales, 2013 to 2038Diweddariad diwethaf
31 March 2016Diweddariad nesaf
Not updated, will be replaced by a future projectionSefydliad cyhoeddi
Llywodraeth CymruFfynhonnell 1
Amcanestyniadau aelwydydd ar gyfer ardaloedd Parciau Cenedlaethol yng Nghymru ar sail 2013, Llywodraeth CymruCyswllt ebost
DimLefel isaf o ddadelfennu daearyddol
Parciau CenedlaetholCwmpas daearyddol
CymruCwmpas ieithyddol
Saesneg yn unigTrwyddedu data
Gallwch ddefnyddio ac ailddefnyddio'r data hwn am ddim mewn unrhyw fformat neu gyfrwng, dan delerau'r Drwydded Llywodraeth Agored - gweler cyffredinol
This dataset provides household projections for National Park authorities in Wales by household type from the base year of 2013, through the projection period to 2038. This is the third set of projections published for the National Park authorities in Wales.Note that the projections become increasingly uncertain the further we try to look into the future.
Casgliad data a dull cyfrifo
Data are calculated using a methodology which uses the 2013 to 2038 population projections data published previously along with information on household structure from the 2011 Census. For more information on the methodology, please see the statistical release in weblinks.The methodology was developed in conjunction with the Wales Sub-National Household Projections (WASHP) Working Group. Members of WASHP include representatives with experience of demographic and housing data from Welsh local authorities, the Local Government Data Unit and the Welsh Government.
Projections only indicate what may happen should the recent trends continue. Projections done in this way do not make allowances for the effects of local or central government policies on future population levels, distribution and change. They are merely an indication of what would happen if certain assumptions were realised.
Four migration variants are also calculated and included here, covering different migration scenarios, ranging from a zero migration estimate, to a low estimate, to a high estimate. A further estimate based on projecting forward the average migration patterns over the last ten years is also available.