Neidio i'r cynnwys
Darparwr data: Llywodraeth Cymru Ystadegau Swyddogol Achrededig SIART: Hyder yn y system cyfiawnder troseddol yng Nghymru yn ôl blwyddyn

Wedi ei archifo (Saesneg yn unig) – Nid yw’n cael ei ddiweddaru mwyach.

Siart cyfateb i'r tabl data
Area 1[Hidlo]
[Lleihau]Measure 1
Measure 2
Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2004-05Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2005-06Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2006-07Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2007-08Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2008-09
[Ehangu]Criminal Justice System effective in bringing people to justiceThe measure for confidence in the effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) is based on the question ‘How confident are you that the criminal justice system as a whole is effective?’ and is the percentage of respondents who say they are \'very or fairly confident\'...|The data item is not available424142..|The data item is not available
[Ehangu]Confidence in local policeThe measure for confidence in the police is the percentage of respondents who believe the local police are doing ‘a good or excellent’ job.4847484849
[Ehangu]Drug use reported by adultsPercentage of 16 to 59 year olds reporting use of any drug in the last year.<br /><br />The Misuse of Drugs Act classifies illegal drugs into three categories (Class A, B and C) according to the harm that they cause, with Class A drugs considered to be the most harmful.
[Ehangu]Drug use reported by younger adultsPercentage of 16 to 24 year olds reporting use of any drug in the last year.<br /><br />The Misuse of Drugs Act classifies illegal drugs into three categories (Class A, B and C) according to the harm that they cause, with Class A drugs considered to be the most harmful.30.127.624.720.321.9



British Crime Survey (BCS) Victimisation, Perceptions and Drug Misuse in Wales (Year, Offence, Police force area)




Diweddariad Nesaf: Nid yw’n cael ei ddiweddaru mwyach.Diweddariad Nesaf: Nid yw’n cael ei ddiweddaru mwyac


