Neidio i'r cynnwys
Darparwr data: Llywodraeth Cymru Disgyblion sy'n parhau mewn addysg llawn amser yn ôl blwyddyn

Wedi ei archifo (Saesneg yn unig) – Nid yw’n cael ei ddiweddaru mwyach.

[Lleihau]GenderMale, Female or Persons.[Hidlo]
Gender 1[Hidlo]
CohortSchool leavers who were in Year 11 (statutory school leaving age) and Year 13.[Hidlwyd]
MeasurePercentage or actual numbers.[Hidlwyd]
[Lleihau]DestinationDestination of the school leavers, collected as at 31st October.(Disgynnol)[Hidlwyd]
[Lleihau]Destination 1
[Lleihau]Destination 2
Destination 3
Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2004Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2005Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2006Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2007Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2008Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2009Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2010Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2011Cliciwch yma i ddidoli2012
[Lleihau]Total number in cohort100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0
Total number in cohort[Lleihau]Continuing in full time education74.475.675.777.
Continuing in full time education[Ehangu]Continuing in full time education in School54.354.354.053.853.355.554.854.753.4
[Ehangu]Continuing in full time education in Further Education45.745.746.046.246.744.545.245.346.6
[Ehangu]Continuing in full time education in Higher Education.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol
[Ehangu]Taking gap year with intention of going to Higher EducationFrom 2009 this only includes those who deferred via UCAS.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol
[Ehangu]Known not to be in Education, Training or EmploymentThis includes those unavailable to work and those registered with Careers Wales as unemployed. Prior to 2009 included those in part-time education (less than 16 hours).



EDUC0054: Trends in pupil destinations by gender


ELLS, Welsh Government


Last update: April 2013
Was added to StatsWales: April 2013
Next update: April 2014 (provisional)
Will be added to StatsWales by: April 2014 (provisional)
Source: Careers Wales

This table presents information on the destinations of Year 11 and Year 13 students from the annual survey of school leavers undertaken by Careers Wales on behalf of the National Assembly for Wales. The data was collected on 31st October 2011 by the six regional careers companies.

Pencentages are rounded to 1 decimal place and therefore may not always total to 100 per cent.

National figures may mask variances at careers company, local authority and institution level across all cohorts.


EDUC0054 Trends of pupil destinations by gender