Neidio i'r cynnwys
Darparwr data: Llywodraeth Cymru Ystadegau Gwladol Aelwydydd y daethpwyd o hyd i lety dros dro iddynt yn ôl y math o lety a'r math o aelwyd

Wedi ei archifo (Saesneg yn unig) – Nid yw’n cael ei ddiweddaru mwyach.

Area 1[Hidlo]
Period 1[Hidlo]
TimeThe time periods ‘Under 2 weeks\’, ‘2 weeks to under 6 weeks\’ and ‘6 weeks to under 6 months\’ are only applicable to ‘Bed and breakfast\’ accommodation from 2007-08 onwards. Before 2007-08, this data was collected in separate tables and does not provide the full breakdown by accommodation type and time. [Hidlwyd]
[Lleihau]HouseholdData by household type is available from 2002-03 onwards only. Before 2002-03 only totals were collected. [Hidlwyd]
[Lleihau]Household 1
[Lleihau]Household 2
Household 3
[Lleihau]AccommodationBreakdown of accommodation by type [Hidlo]
[Lleihau]Accommodation 1
Accommodation 2
[Lleihau]CyfanswmCliciwch yma i ddidoliCyfanswm
[Ehangu]Cliciwch yma i ddidoliCartrefi â phlant dibynnolYn cynnwys cartrefi gyda phlant dibynnol sy\'n derbyn gofal gan deidiau a neiniau neu warcheidwaid nad ydynt yn rhieni.[Ehangu]Cliciwch yma i ddidoliCartref un person, CyfanswmMae\'r data ar gyfer yr agwedd hon yn unig ar gael yn flynyddol o 2011-12 ymlaen.[Ehangu]Cliciwch yma i ddidoliPob math arall o gartrefMae\'r data ar gyfer yr agwedd hon yn unig ar gael yn flynyddol o 2011-12 ymlaen.
[Lleihau]Cyfanswm a gafodd le i fyw ar ddiwedd y tri mis7651,1701102,050
Cyfanswm a gafodd le i fyw ar ddiwedd y tri mis[Lleihau]Llety sector preifatMae llety sector preifat yn cynnwys sector preifat, wedi’i brydlesu gan yr awdurdod lleol, RSLau ac yn uniongyrchol â landlord sector preifat40040550855
Llety sector preifatMae llety sector preifat yn cynnwys sector preifat, wedi’i brydlesu gan yr awdurdod lleol, RSLau ac yn uniongyrchol â landlord sector preifatYn uniongyrchol â landlord sector preifat1070*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication85
Llety sector preifat wedi’i brydlesu gan yr awdurdod lleol17520525405
Llety sector preifat wedi’i brydlesu gan RSLau21513025370
[Lleihau]Llety sector cyhoeddusMae llety sector preifat yn cynnwys sector preifat, wedi’i brydlesu gan yr awdurdod lleol, RSLau ac yn uniongyrchol â landlord sector preifat21020025440
Llety sector cyhoeddusMae llety sector preifat yn cynnwys sector preifat, wedi’i brydlesu gan yr awdurdod lleol, RSLau ac yn uniongyrchol â landlord sector preifatO fewn eich stoc eich hun11511510240
Stoc RSLCyn 2013-14 cofnodi fel stoc RSL ar denantiaethau byrddaliad sicr.958515195
[Lleihau]Hosteli a Lloches i ferched11534515475
Hosteli a Lloches i ferchedHosteli (gan gynnwys canolfannau derbyniad ac unedau argyfwng)7530015390
Lloches i ferched3545*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication85
[Lleihau]Gwely a brecwastGwely a brecwast101805195
[Lleihau]ArallArall*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication
[Lleihau]Digartref yn y cartrefDigartref yn y cartref30451085
[Ehangu]Math o lety anhysbys.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol.Nid yw\'r eitem ddata yn berthnasol


Disgrifiad cyffredinol

The information is based on a quarterly statistical return completed by local authorities in Wales. From April 2002 onwards the return was revised and extended to collect information about the age and ethnicity of applicants, the types of household accepted as homelessness and the length of time households stay in temporary accommodation.

The information is collected in order to establish the number and type of households that were accepted as homeless by local authorities during the period and the reasons why these households are homeless. It is also used to establish the number of homeless households in temporary accommodation and the types of accommodation provided. This data is used by the Welsh Government, homelessness agencies and other housing organisations, in order to help monitor trends in the overall level of statutory homelessness across Wales.

Information is also collected about statutory homeless households that are in temporary accommodation; sometimes referred to as households in accommodation arranged by authorities under homelessness legislation. Temporary means that they have not been found suitable accommodation in a settled home. In other words the accommodation can still be in a self-contained dwelling (for example with a private landlord, or in registered social landlord or local authority owned properties) as well as in non-self contained accommodation (for example hostels, refuges and bed and breakfast).

From 2011-12, breakdowns by family type are only available annually.

Quality information
1. This data covers numbers of households not persons.
2. Homelessness data may be subject to seasonal variations, however the data shown in this cube has not been seasonally adjusted and care should be taken when making comparisons between successive quarters.
3. All the figures are rounded independently to the nearest 5 to protect the identity of individuals. As a result, there may be a difference between the sum of the constituent items and the total. An asterisk is shown when the data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication.

Casgliad data a dull cyfrifo

The information presented here is based on Welsh local authorities' actions under the homelessness provisions of the Housing Act 1996. This covers the decision as to whether or not there is an obligation under the Act for the local authority to help the household. That is whether the authority accepts that the household is eligible, unintentionally homeless and falls within a priority need group. In this case the household is accepted as statutory homeless.

Amlder cyhoeddi


Cyfnodau data dan sylw

The information is based on a quarterly statistical return completed by local authorities in Wales from 1997-98. From April 2002 onwards the return was revised and extended to collect information about the age and ethnicity of applicants, the types of household accepted as homelessness and the length of time households stay in temporary accommodation.

Defnyddwyr, defnydd a chyd-destun

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.

Talgrynnu wedi'u ddefnyddio

Yes all the figures are rounded independently to the nearest 5 to protect the identity of individuals

Gwybodaeth am ddiwygiadau

Data prior to the last period covered have been revised since previously published. Revisions are marked in the data with an (r).


Homeless households accommodated temporarily, by household type, accommodation type and length of time

Diweddariad diwethaf

24 June 2015 24 June 2015

Diweddariad nesaf

September 2015 (provisional)

Sefydliad cyhoeddi

Llywodraeth Cymru

Ffynhonnell 1

Casgliad data am ddigartrefedd, Llywodraeth Cymru

Cyswllt ebost


Ystadegau Gwladol

Lefel isaf o ddadelfennu daearyddol

Awdurdodau lleol

Cwmpas daearyddol


Cwmpas ieithyddol

Saesneg yn unig

Trwyddedu data

Gallwch ddefnyddio ac ailddefnyddio'r data hwn am ddim mewn unrhyw fformat neu gyfrwng, dan delerau'r Drwydded Llywodraeth Agored - gweler

Ansawdd ystadegol

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.


Housing, Homelessness, Temporary Accommodation, Bed and Breakfast, Hostel, Refuge

