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POPU5012: 2008-based local authority population projections for Wales, 2008 to 2033
Knowledge & Analytical Services, Welsh Government
Added to StatsWales: May 2010.
Source: Knowledge & Analytical Services, Welsh Government
This table provides population projections for local authorities in Wales by the following categories (the data can be found by using the interactive drill down method):
Gender: All persons, males & females,
Age-group: Quinary age-groups, single year of age
Year: Mid year population for 2008 through to 2033
Population Projections
This is the second set of population projections published for the 22 unitary authorities in Wales. Population projections provide estimates of the size of the future population, and are based on assumptions about births, deaths and migration. The assumptions are based on past trends. Projections only indicate what may happen should the recent trends continue. Projections done in this way do not make allowances for the effects of local or central government policies on future population levels, distribution and change.
Base Population
The 2008 population estimates have been used as the base for the local authority projections. The projections have been produced for a period of 25 years, that is to 2033. Projections become increasingly uncertain the further we try to look into the future.
The projected population is for 30 June each year. The 2008 mid year estimates of population have been used as the base population for these projections. The base population estimates are based on the usually resident population. Usual residents away from home temporarily are included, but visitors are excluded. Students are counted at their term-time address. It should also be noted that the UN definition of an international migrant is used - those changing country of residence for a period of at least 12 months. Short-term migrants (eg migrant workers from Eastern European countries) are not counted in the population estimates and hence are not included in the population projections.
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Source: Knowledge & Analytical Services, Welsh Government
This table provides population projections for local authorities in Wales by the following categories (the data can be found by using the interactive drill down method):
Gender: All persons, males & females,
Age-group: Quinary age-groups, single year of age
Year: Mid year population for 2008 through to 2033
Population Projections
This is the second set of population projections published for the 22 unitary authorities in Wales. Population projections provide estimates of the size of the future population, and are based on assumptions about births, deaths and migration. The assumptions are based on past trends. Projections only indicate what may happen should the recent trends continue. Projections done in this way do not make allowances for the effects of local or central government policies on future population levels, distribution and change.
Base Population
The 2008 population estimates have been used as the base for the local authority projections. The projections have been produced for a period of 25 years, that is to 2033. Projections become increasingly uncertain the further we try to look into the future.
The projected population is for 30 June each year. The 2008 mid year estimates of population have been used as the base population for these projections. The base population estimates are based on the usually resident population. Usual residents away from home temporarily are included, but visitors are excluded. Students are counted at their term-time address. It should also be noted that the UN definition of an international migrant is used - those changing country of residence for a period of at least 12 months. Short-term migrants (eg migrant workers from Eastern European countries) are not counted in the population estimates and hence are not included in the population projections.
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Population Projections