Neidio i'r cynnwys
Darparwr data: Llywodraeth Cymru Ystadegau Swyddogol Achrededig Cyrchfan myfyrwyr cymwysedig o SAUau yng Nghymru yn ôl gweithgarwch, lefel a dull

Wedi ei archifo (Saesneg yn unig) – Nid yw’n cael ei ddiweddaru mwyach.

[Lleihau]DomicileCountry of ordinary residence prior to entering Higher Education. <br />[Hidlo]
Domicile 1[Hidlo]
Gender 1[Hidlo]
MeasureNumber or percentage of known responses.[Hidlwyd]
[Lleihau]LevelLevel of qualification obtained[Hidlo]
Level 1
[Lleihau]ModeFull-time includes full-time and sandwich study, plus those writing-up theses following full-time study.<br /><br />Part-time includes part-time study, full-time  on courses lasting less than 24 weeks, block release or studying during the evenings, plus those writing-up theses following part-time study.<br />[Hidlo]
Mode 1
[Lleihau]ActivityThe employment and study circumstances of the leaver on 14 April 2008 (if the leaver obtained the qualification between 1 August 2007 and 31 December 2007) or on 12 January 2009 (if the leaver obtained the qualification between 1 January 2008 and 31 July 2008).<br /><br />Employment <br /><br />Employment only includes those graduates who reported that they were in full-time paid work (including self-employed/freelance), part-time paid work, voluntary or unpaid work, and who were not also in study, training or research. <br /><br />Full-time employment only includes those who reported that they were in full-time paid work (including self-employed/freelance) and who were not also in study, training or research. <br /><br />Combination of work and further study includes those who reported that they were in full-time paid work (including self-employed/freelance), part-time paid work, voluntary or unpaid work, and who were also in full-time or part-time study, training or research. <br /><br />Unemployment <br /><br />Assumed to be unemployed includes those students who gave their employment circumstances as unemployed and looking for employment, further study or training, and who were also either in part-time study, training or research or not studying, plus those who were due to start a job within the next month and who were also either in part-time study, training or research or not studying. <br /><br />Further study <br /><br />Further study only includes those who gave their employment circumstances as temporarily sick or unable to work, looking after the home or family, not employed but not looking for employment, further study or training, or something else and who were also either in full-time or part-time study, training or reserach, plus those who were due to start a job within the next month or unemployed and looking for employment, further study or training and who were also in full-time study, training or research.<br />[Hidlo]
Activity 1
[Lleihau]All levelsCliciwch yma i ddidoliAll levels
[Lleihau]PostgraduatePostgraduate qualifications include doctorate degrees, masters degrees, other postgraduate qualifications, post experience taught masters degree, Master of business administration (MBA), pre registration masters degree, postgraduate bachelors degree at level M, postgraduate certificate in Education (PGCE) or professional graduate diploma in Education, other taught qualification at level M.[Lleihau]First DegreeFirst degree includes first degree with honours, integrated undergraduate/ postgraduate taught masters (enhanced/ extended), Ordinary (non-honours) first degrees, pre-registration first degree, post graduate bachelors degree at level H.[Lleihau]Other UndergraduateOther Undergraduate includes graduate diplomas, professional graduate certificate in education (PGCE), other qualifications at level \'H\', foundations degrees, diploma of higher education, higher national diploma, certificate of higher education and higher national certificates.
[Lleihau]AllCliciwch yma i ddidoliAll[Lleihau]AllCliciwch yma i ddidoliAll[Lleihau]AllCliciwch yma i ddidoliAll
Cliciwch yma i ddidoliFull-timeCliciwch yma i ddidoliPart-timeCliciwch yma i ddidoliFull-timeCliciwch yma i ddidoliPart-timeCliciwch yma i ddidoliFull-timeCliciwch yma i ddidoliPart-time
AllFull-time paid workFull-time employment only includes those who reported that they were in full-time paid work (including self-employed/freelance) and who were not also in study, training or research.62656346624729514249
Part-time paid work14111314101412101113
Voluntary/unpaid work2112121112
Work and studyCombination of work and further study includes those who reported that they were in full-time paid work (including self-employed/freelance), part-time paid work, voluntary or unpaid work, and who were also in full-time or part-time study, training or research.71510916914272211
Further studyFurther study only includes those who gave their employment circumstances as temporarily sick or unable to work, looking after the home or family, not employed but not looking for employment, further study or training, or something else and who were also either in full-time or part-time study, training or reserach, plus those who were due to start a job within the next month or unemployed and looking for employment, further study or training and who were also in full-time study, training or research.736164153241614
Assumed to be unemployedAssumed to be unemployed includes those students who gave their employment circumstances as unemployed and looking for employment, further study or training, and who were also either in part-time study, training or research or not studying, plus those who were due to start a job within the next month and who were also either in part-time study, training or research or not studying.6149287247
Not available for employment2323543333
Other1-The data item is not exactly zero, but estimated as zero or less than half the final digit shown11111111
Explicit refusal.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Non-Response.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable


Gallwch ddefnyddio ac ailddefnyddio'r data hwn am ddim mewn unrhyw fformat neu gyfrwng, dan delerau'r Drwydded Llywodraeth Agored - gweler

