Y rhai sy’n gadael ysgol heb gymwysterau yn ôl awdurdod lleol
SCHS0011:School Leavers without QualificationsAuthor
Welsh Assembly GovernmentNotes
Source: Pupils Leaving Education with No Qualifications SurveyContact: school.stats@wales.gsi.gov.uk
This indicator reports on pupils aged 15 at the start of the academic year at maintained, special and independent schools and Pupil Referral Units. Pupils who have entered the schools from a non-English or Welsh based educational system have been removed from the LEA figures but are included in the Wales figures.
1. Performance indicator EDU/002 is defined in the National Performance Indicators Guidance for Wales, published by the Local Government Data Unit - Wales.
2. Leaving education is defined as not remaining in school, not continuing elsewhere in full-time education and not continuing within work-based learning.
3. A recognised qualification is defined as any qualification achieved by the end of the academic year which is approved for pre-16 use. Qualifications approved by the minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills can be found in the Database of Approved Qualifications in Wales.