Neidio i'r cynnwys
Darparwr data: Llywodraeth Cymru Asesiadau gwariant safonol a chymorth llywodraeth ganolog yn ôl awdurdod
Cod ardal[Hidlo]
[Lleihau]Math o gymorthStandard spending assessments (SSAs) are centrally determined assessments of each authority\'s need to spend on revenue services, on the total standard spending basis. They are calculated just prior to the year to which they relate using principles established by the Welsh Assembly Government encompassing the demographic, physical and social characteristics of each area, as reflected by a range of indicators. SSAs include an element to cover the need to spend on the current element of revenue expenditure, and an element to cover the need to spend on the capital charges element of revenue expenditure. The distribution of the current element between local authorities is based on the distribution of various indicators of need, such as pupil numbers, population and measures of deprivation and rurality. The distribution of the capital charges element between local authorities is based on the latest available credit ceiling figure for each authority (which is essentially the level of unpaid debt) together with estimates of how this will change in the year to which the SSAs relate. Central government support comprises revenue support grant, redistributed non-domestic rates, council tax reduction scheme and transitional grants for county or county borough councils. Comprises revenue support grant, redistributed non-domestic rates, police grant and police damping grant for police authorities. Excludes non-police specific grants Revenue support grant (RSG) is paid to local authorities by the Welsh Assembly Government as a major element of support for revenue expenditure, as required by section 78(1) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988. In order to arrive at the aggregate amount of RSG, the Welsh Assembly Government determines a level of total standard spending and then sets the level of aggregate external finance (AEF). RSG is the balancing item within AEF after the distributable amount of non-domestic rates and the levels of certain specific government grants towards revenue expenditure have been decided. [Hidlo]
Math o gymorth 1
[Lleihau]Awdurdod 1
Awdurdod 2
[Ehangu]Cliciwch yma i ddidoliAsesiadau gwario safonol a grant yr heddluAsesiadau y penderfynir arnynt yn ganolog o angen bob awdurdod i wario ar wasanaethau refeniw.[Ehangu]Cliciwch yma i ddidoliCyfanswm cymorth llywodraeth ganologMae\'n cynnwys grant cynnal refeniw, ardrethi annomestig a ailddosbarthwyd, cynllun gostyngiadau\'r dreth gyngor,  grantiau trosiannol a cyllid atodol ychwanegol. Nid yw\'n cynnwys grantiau penodol heblaw grantiau\'r heddlu.
[Lleihau]Cyfanswm Cymru8,320,7526,180,301
Cyfanswm Cymru[Lleihau]Cyfanswm Awdurdodau Unedol7,716,3555,720,524
Cyfanswm Awdurdodau UnedolYnys Môn176,490127,586
Sir Ddinbych265,475200,795
Sir y Fflint362,270258,527
Sir Benfro308,341218,870
Sir Gaerfyrddin471,555350,646
Castell-nedd Port Talbot363,586285,594
Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr347,141258,925
Bro Morgannwg310,780209,781
Rhondda Cynon Taf611,842485,567
Merthyr Tudful153,678123,492
Blaenau Gwent178,361144,044
Sir Fynwy201,944126,019
[Lleihau]Cyfanswm Heddlu604,397459,777
Cyfanswm HeddluHeddlu Dyfed Powys91,31564,792
Heddlu Gwent119,72693,926
Heddlu Gogledd Cymru128,26994,243
Heddlu De Cymru265,087206,816



Asesiadau o wariant safonol a chymorth llywodraeth ganolog

Diweddariad diwethaf

Mawrth 2024 Mawrth 2024

Diweddariad nesaf

Mawrth 2025

Sefydliad cyhoeddi

Llywodraeth Cymru

Ffynhonnell 1

Setliad Llywodraeth Leol, Llywodraeth Cymru

Cyswllt ebost



Lefel isaf o ddadelfennu daearyddol

Awdurdodau lleol

Cwmpas daearyddol

Awdurdodau lleol

Cwmpas ieithyddol

Saesneg a Chymraeg

Trwyddedu data

Gallwch ddefnyddio ac ailddefnyddio'r data hwn am ddim mewn unrhyw fformat neu gyfrwng, dan delerau'r Drwydded Llywodraeth Agored - gweler

Dolenni'r we

Mae'r datganiadau ystadegol cysylltiedig ar gael trwy ddefnyddio'r dolenni ar y dudalen we ganlynol:
Mae adroddiad ansawdd ystadegol ynglyn â holl ddatganiadau ystadegol Cyllid Llywodraeth Leol ar gael ar y wefan ganlynol:

Disgrifiad cyffredinol

Mae asesiadau o wariant safonol yn asesiadau y penderfynir arnynt yn ganolog o angen bob awdurdod i wario ar wasanaethau refeniw, ar sail cyfanswm y gwariant safonol.

Mae cymorth llywodraeth ganolog yn cynnwys grant cymorth refeniw, ardrethi annomestig a ailddosberthir, cynllun gostyngiadau'r dreth gyngor a grantiau trosiannol ar gyfer cynghorau sir a chynghorau bwrdeistref sirol. Yng nghyd-destun y tabl hwn nid yw'n cynnwys grantiau nad ydynt yn benodol ar gyfer yr heddlu.

Casgliad data a dull cyfrifo

Cesglir y wybodaeth a gyflwynir yma trwy ffurflenni blynyddol a ddychwelir gan Awdurdodau Lleol Cymru.

Amlder cyhoeddi


Cyfnodau data dan sylw

Dangosir data ar gyfer pob blwyddyn ariannol o 1996-97 ymlaen.

Ansawdd ystadegol

Gweler y dolenni i'r we


Cyllid Llywodraeth Leol, Asesiad o wariant safonol

